SPRINGFIELD – To improve the quality of health care for people living in rural parts of the state, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) is championing a measure to provide financial incentives to physicians who perform medical services in rural areas.
“Passing this bill will mean that people across the state will have an increased access to high quality health care,” said Turner. “We must work to improve access to quality care in rural Illinois.”
Private rural health clinics have opened in more recent years, providing the same quality care as hospitals in communities across the state. Physicians working in private clinics, at times in underserved areas, are not currently eligible for loan forgiveness even though they sometimes work in underserved areas. Senate Bill 3017 will ensure that if the physicians who work in private rural health facilities also receive loan forgiveness.
"Senate Bill 3017 will help enhance recruitment and retention efforts,” said Phil Johnson, MD with Litchfield Family Practice. “Doctors, physician assistants and advanced practice nurses for rural health care facilities are very concerned about both recruiting and retaining skilled medical staff.”
SB 3017 passed the Senate and will move to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – To further support families of Department of Child and Family Services workers killed in the line of duty, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) is championing a measure that will treat the death of a DCFS worker similar to the death of law enforcement officers.
“In the aftermath of the fatal stabbing of Deidre Silas, we must ensure the families of those who serve our most vulnerable populations are cared for,” Turner said. “Deidre gave her life as a dedicated public servant for our state, and this is the least we can do to honor her commitment to our state.”
Under the Public Safety and Police Benefits Act, if a law enforcement officer is killed in the line of duty, his or her spouse and children under the age of 18 are eligible to receive health insurance benefits.
Under current law, an employee must have eight years of service to receive survivor benefits. Senate Bill 3197 will amend the State Employee Group Insurance Plan by expanding the occupational death benefit to ensure that any family members of DCFS caseworkers or investigators killed in the line of duty receive survivor benefits, regardless of how long they’ve worked for the agency.
The measure comes following the death of Deidre Silas, a DCFS caseworker who was killed during a home visit last month, and Pamela Knight, who experienced the same tragedy in 2017. The legislation will be retroactive for ten years to ensure the family of the late Deidra Silas receives benefits from the state.
“We must protect people like Deidre Silas,” Turner said. “I will continue to push for commonsense reforms to ensure our brave civil servants and their families are protected in the event of a future tragedy.”
SB 3197 passed the Senate on Tuesday and will move to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – To ensure greater protection for children and families enjoying the Illinois State Fair, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) is championing a measure to ensure child sex offenders will not be able to work at the fair.
“The Illinois State Fair is a family-friendly event that the public looks forward to every year,” Turner said. “This bill will send a clear message that we will do everything in our power to protect that notion and ensure the safety and enjoyment for our children.”
Under Turner’s measure, a child sex offender would not be able to work at a carnival, amusement enterprise, or county or state fair.
During the 2021 Illinois State Fair, a convicted child sex offender was discovered to be working a children's ride. A legal loophole in the current law leaves the Illinois State Fair in a state of ambiguity. Turner’s measure will close that loophole.
“We are showing our commitment to protecting youth and families when they visit the fair,” Turner said. “I am hopeful we can continue to work together on this commonsense solution that ensures our state fair remains a prime family attraction year after year.”
Senate Bill 3019 passed the Senate Tuesday and now heads to the House for further consideration.
SPRINGFIELD – In an effort to honor our state’s fallen heroes, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) is championing a measure to honor their next of kin with the presentation of an Illinois flag.
“Our country would not be where it is today without the sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform,” Turner said. “This measure will help show the respect we have for the families that pay the ultimate sacrifice.”
Under Turner’s measure, if an Illinois resident dies while on State Active Duty or Federal Active Duty, their next of kin would be presented the Illinois state flag by military personnel.
“The families of fallen heroes are presented with our nation’s flag as a token of gratitude and condolences from a grateful nation,” Turner said. “I believe that they should also be presented our state flag as a symbol of our esteemed gratitude.”
SB 3459 passed the Senate and now heads to the House for further consideration.
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