SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner is celebrating $1.5 billion in economic development and 700 jobs coming to central Illinois as the Illinois EPA gives the green light to build a new natural gas-fueled power plant in Pawnee.
“The Lincoln Land Energy Center will create good paying jobs right in our backyard,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “When we look at the realm of companies we hope move to central Illinois, those that will positively contribute to our society are at the top of the list – and that’s an attribute of EmberClear’s Lincoln Land Energy Center.”
EmberClear is developing the Lincoln Land Energy Center, a natural-gas fueled power plant about a half mile south of the Village of Pawnee on 160-acres of land. The project location is next to the new Austin substation and minimizes aerial transmission and viewshed concerns. The Illinois EPA has backed the project, saying it will comply with state and federal air control regulations.
Throughout construction, the IEPA projects the build will generate $1.5 billion in economic development and 700 jobs – with 35 permanent jobs coming to the site upon completion. The total project cost is estimated at $1 billion, and the plant will be exclusively built and operated by union labor.
“Lincoln Land Energy Center is an investment not just in our state, but also in our community and our families,” Turner said. “I stand strong in my commitment to fight for ways to modernize central Illinois’ economy and secure jobs that our communities have long asked for.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner recently announced that, thanks to funds distributed by the Illinois State Board of Education, schools across the 48th District will receive a total of $843,610 for infrastructure improvements.
“Our children deserve top quality accommodations in order to have a fruitful learning experience,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “I’m proud that these much-needed investments will go to benefit school districts, and most importantly, our youth.”
A total of $30 million in 2022 School Maintenance Grants was distributed to districts across the state. To be eligible for the grants, applicants were required to match the state funds and commit to completing proposed projects within two years.
The following school districts have been awarded grant money for 2022:
Projects made possible thanks to these grants include updates to heating and cooling, improvements to ventilation, increased accessibility throughout buildings and more.
“Time and time again, studies have shown that high quality facilities lead to a better quality of education,” said Turner. “These grants will help provide the next generation of students an opportunity to seize their destiny and enrich their lives through education.”
A full list of grantees and awards can be viewed on the ISBE website.
DECATUR – Motorists who have been unable to visit a driver services facility to renew their driver’s license and purchase vehicle stickers will be able to attend a free mobile unit event in Decatur, sponsored by State Senator Doris Turner in partnership with the Secretary of State’s Office.
The free event will be available to drivers Tuesday, July 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Turner’s Decatur office located at 1210 S. Jasper St.
“The Secretary of State’s mobile unit is a one-stop shop to help people utilize these important state services,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “I encourage folks to take advantage of this convenient way to renew driver’s licenses or vehicle registration next month.”
The unit operates like a DMV office and offers driver’s license renewals, identification cards and license plate stickers.
Turner reminds residents that REAL ID services will not be available at the mobile unit. The deadline to obtain a REAL ID has been extended to May 3, 2023.
In addition, Turner invites local veterans to utilize this event to add a veteran designation to their driver’s license or state ID. For veteran designation, residents must bring their DD-214 or NAF 13038. For more information about veteran ID services, residents can call the Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs at 1-800-437-9824.
With questions or for additional information, residents are encouraged to contact Turner’s Springfield office at 217-854-4502.
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