SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) championed a recently signed law that ensures child sex offenders will not be able to work at the Illinois State Fair.
“The Illinois State Fair is a hallmark event that the public looks forward to every year,” Turner said. “This law will send a clear message that we will do everything in our power to protect that notion and ensure the safety and enjoyment for our children.”
Under Turner’s law, a child sex offender would not be able to work at a carnival, amusement enterprise, or county or state fair.
During the 2021 Illinois State Fair, a convicted child sex offender was discovered to be working a children's ride. A legal loophole in the past law left the Illinois State Fair in a state of ambiguity. Turner’s law closes that loophole.
“We are showing our commitment to protecting youth and families when they visit the fair,” Turner said. “I am grateful that we came together to work on this commonsense solution to ensure that our state fair remains a great family-friendly destination.”
Senate Bill 3019 was signed into law on Friday and takes effect on January 1, 2023.
SPRINGFIELD – Drivers across Illinois will benefit from a package of measures that aim to deter future car thefts and hijackings thanks to the support of State Senator Doris Turner.
According to a January report from CNN, cities around the country have seen an increase in the rate of carjackings.
“No one should ever have to fear if their car will be violently taken from them. But unfortunately the sad reality is more and more people are becoming victims of carjackings each day,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “This has to stop. We must do all we can to combat this nationwide epidemic and alleviate the financial and emotional stress these crimes cause.”
House Bill 601 modernizes the definition of the possession of burglary tools offense to include next generation carjacking technology. Car thieves have exploited new technology that can pick up the RFID signal from a key fob at a distance, allowing a victim’s vehicle to be unlocked or stolen even while the fob remains in their home. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, Illinois saw a 13% increase in car thefts from 2019-2020.
House Bill 3699 will provide law enforcement with additional resources to coordinate efforts to put a stop to carjackings. Under the legislation, the Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Council – made up of representatives from the insurance industry, state’s attorneys and law enforcement – will be tasked with working together to reduce carjackings. The Council currently provides grant funding to three task forces – comprised of law enforcement and state’s attorneys – which investigate and prosecute motor vehicle threat and similar crimes.
House Bill 3772 will provide protections for victims of carjackings who receive red light or speed camera violations after their vehicle has been hijacked. Under the new law, if a person receives a citation due to one of these camera violations, the court or hearing officer would be able to consider whether the vehicle was hijacked before the violation occurred or the victim not under the control of or possession of the vehicle at the time of violation.
“Technology has rapidly advanced in the recent years, and our laws need to advance as well,” Turner said. “These measures do just that. This isn’t just a win for drivers, it’s a win for law enforcement.”
The new laws take effect Jan. 1, 2023.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) recently championed a law to provide financial incentives to physicians who perform medical services in rural areas.
“We must work to improve access to quality care in rural Illinois,” said Turner. “Passing this law means that people across the state will have increased access to high quality health care.”
Private rural health clinics have opened in more recent years, providing the same quality care as hospitals in communities across the state. Physicians working in private clinics, at times in underserved areas, are not currently eligible for loan forgiveness even though they sometimes work in underserved areas. Senate Bill 3017 addresses the shortage of physicians in rural Illinois by providing additional eligibility for loan forgiveness – allowing those in underserved areas to qualify for assistance.
"Senate Bill 3017 will help enhance recruitment and retention efforts,” said Phil Johnson, MD with Litchfield Family Practice. “Doctors, physician assistants and advanced practice nurses for rural health care facilities are very concerned about both recruiting and retaining skilled medical staff.”
SB 3017 was signed into law on Tuesday and takes effect immediately.
SPRINGFIELD – Route 66 enthusiasts and Springfield tourists will soon have a new interactive exhibit to enjoy thanks to the support of State Senator Doris Turner.
“Sharing our history with tourists is common for the Springfield community, but I am so proud that we will have a special emphasis on Black History when we talk about Route 66,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “The City of Springfield and partnering communities along Route 66 will be using the latest technology to not just tell these stories but educate a new generation and lift up voices that were previously ignored.”
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity announced $4 million in grant awards for various projects including a Springfield project designed to spur tourism and modernize attractions along the Mother Road leading up to the 100th Anniversary of Route 66.
DCEO awarded Visit Springfield, the city Convention and Visitors Bureau, a $1,170,523 grant meant to create an interactive metaverse using augmented reality and virtual reality. The exhibit will focus on the lived experiences of Black Americans traveling or living in communities along Route 66 throughout history. The funding will also support a separate exhibit at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, featuring a replica of the entirety of Route 66, nostalgic signage and more.
“Springfield is the heart of Route 66 in Illinois,” Turner said. “I am proud to help bring new technology that will tell the story of a community that has not adequately had their voice heard.”
For regular updates on funding opportunities and resources available for businesses and communities, people can visit the DCEO website.
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